Fresh Start. Try Again.
January 1, 2022
A new day, a new year, an opportunity for a fresh start. January 1st is a day that symbolizes the beginning of a new chapter, we have 365 days ahead of us to reach our goals, form new habits and grow into a better version of ourselves. Many of us walk into the New Year with high hopes and expectations but sometimes some of those goals and habits are the same goals and habits that we didn’t quite master the year before.
Honesty moment here, I have a few of the same goals from last year on my list for this year. As I looked at my list of “new” goals, I was a bit disappointed because I thought to myself, "I should’ve been further than this by now." I got in my way, I procrastinated, I drug my feet, and fell off of the proverbial wagon more times than I could count. I wanted to reach the goal for sure, but when looking at my previous success or lack thereof with this goal, the thought of “what’s the point” crept into my mind.
As I began to think of how I fell behind and missed the mark for the year God refused to let me beat up on myself….
“You know who missed the mark more than you, the people I chose, the Israelites.”
Wait wait wait, so basically, God what you’re saying to me is that the Israelites, the originals, the ones you hand-picked from the beginning made the same New Year resolutions for 40 years?!??
I can imagine some of their resolutions now, “This year I’m going to believe God’s direction & guidance” or “This year I’m not complaining, Moses won’t hear a peep from me”
In my sulking this was the reminder I so desperately needed, the Israelites missed the mark so many times, and although some died before making it to the promised land God still blessed them and showed favor to them because of His love for them. By looking at the Israelites, God reminded me that He is still the redeemer of time. No matter how many times I’ve slipped, tripped, or gone backward instead of forward His love outweighs my lack of progress.
There’s a blessing in the delay EVEN if we’re the reason for the delay. Even in their disobedience, foot-dragging, and complaining, God favored them and allowed every experience to shape them and generations to come for the promises He had prepared for them. And the same applies to us, when we miss the mark, we can learn valuable lessons, grow in our faith and see God in a new light. His love and favor position us for our destiny.
So if you’re like me stop beating yourself up for having the same goal that you had last year and refuse to let your dream die in the desert. You now have more wisdom, knowledge, faith, and courage than you did the year before. Give your goals and dreams to God and push forward this year knowing God favors you!